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About Jerry Camery-Hoggatt

"So the bottom line is that I’m a storyteller who nurses a lifelong love of Mark’s gospel."

Jerry Camery-Hoggatt holds a PhD in Early Christian Origins from Boston University. He is the author of two books on the Gospel of Mark, two on interpretive method, and one on the role of narratives in the spiritual journey. His research involves the narrative paradigm as a mode of theological reflection. His published works also include an historical novel set in 13th Century Wales, two Christmas novellas, a collection of short stories, and an illustrated children’s book. 

Jerry prefers communicating through narrative (storytelling), because he says,  “People respond to a story in a fundamentally different way than they respond to an outline or information-giving lecture.  There are dimensions of reality that cannot be captured in an outline, but can be in a story. That difference leads to an automatic disconnect between formal theological education–which is in outlines and lectures, and the daily life of the church–which is shared in stories. An effective minister has to be bi-lingual, able to communicate in both modes.”

In A Death of Splendid Daring: A Novel Approach to the Gospel of Mark, Dr. Camery-Hoggatt pulls it all together, combining his interest in storytelling (narrative theology), with his academic research in the Gospel of Mark. 

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